Hans letterpress.jpg



Danielle Bleuse began in 2013. After a few years of creating handmade wedding stationery I discovered the beautiful old craft of letterpress and fell head over heels in love with letterpress printing.

The printing studio is based at our home studio, just outside of the traditional North Yorkshire market town of Thirsk.


The letterpress collection is named after my lovely grandmother, an independent wedding dress seamstress from Chantilly, France. Sparking my interest in stationery and giving inspiration, it seemed fitting to name the collection after this lady.

The presses

HANS Heidelberg Platen Approx. 1965 Germany

Most of the letterpress stationery is printed on 'Hans'. He is quite the beast, built the good old fashioned way in solid cast iron and weighing well over a ton.

Polly Cropper Charlton Acme approx. 1890 Nottingham, England

Polly is the press I had always dreamed about. A 100 year old cropper charlton Acme with the most beautiful flywheel. She if powered by a foot treadle and paper is hand-fed one sheet at a time. She is very loved and we are still in touch with her previous owners.

George Blockmaster

My little foil press is another original, vintage machine that creates all of the shiny stationery.

GREEN Policy

We are fortunate that many of the supplies used in letterpress and Foil printing are very environmentally friendly and we have recently made a few changes to ensure our business is too.

Paper - The majority of our paper is 100% cotton and is made from the waste of the fashion industry. Our coloured paper is then all FSC certified.

Any miss-prints from your order will be shredded and recycled.

Foil - Paper or any type of board that has been printed with foil can still be recycled so long as the foil does not cover more than 70%. Our foil supplier also has a Zero Foil to Landfill initiative and collect their foil waste to place through their own specialist waste management systems

Packaging - We have decided not to use individual cello sleeves to package our greeting cards and wedding samples and feel that they will be adequately protected in their board backed postal envelope. New presentation boxes are used for wedding stationery so that they are really special to unveil but we try and reuse packaging for everything else. Therefore outer packaging may look a little scruffy.